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Refereed Publications and Proceedings (*student advisee)

Non-Refereed Publications

Bell, N.L., Etheridge, R., Hall, S. 2022. Ecological Engineered Treatment Technologies (EETTs) for Aquaculture and Wastewater. Resource Magazine: Engineering and technology for a sustainable world. Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. July/August 2022 Special Issue.

White, S.A., Garcia Chance, L.M., Bell, N.L., Chase, M.E. 2019. Potential and Problems of Floating Treatment Wetlands for Mitigating Agricultural Contaminants. Wetland Science & Practice. 36(2), 119-124.

Bell, N.L., Majsztrik, J.C., White, S.A. 2018. Water Treatment Series - Part 5: Microbial Technology. Nursery Management magazine. January 2018 Issue.

Drummond, D.*, Brink, S.*, Bell, N.L. Assessment of recycled and manufactured adsorptive materials for phosphate removal from municipal wastewater. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education – Special Issue on Undergraduate Research and Education (under review).

Hitchcock, D.R., Bell, N.L., Strosnider, W.H.J., Smith, M.C. 2022. Spatiotemporal water quality variability in a highly loaded surface flow wastewater treatment wetland. Journal of Environmental Quality. 51(1), 101-111.

Bell, N.L., Hitchcock, D.R., Jeffers, S.N., White, S.A. 2021. Potential susceptibility of seven aquatic plant species to infection by five common pathogenic species of Phytophthora. Plant Disease. 105(12), 4074-4083.

Garcia Chance, L.M., Bell, N.L., Chase, M.E., Spivey, W.W., White, S.A. 2019. South Carolina Irrigation Water Source Methods for the Specialty Crops Production Industry. Southern Nursery Association Proceedings of Research Conference. 63, 155-161.

Ridge, G.A., Bell, N.L., Gitto, A.J., Jeffers, S.N, White, S.A. 2019. Workshop: Phytophthora species associated with plants in constructed wetlands and vegetated channels at a commercial ornamental plant nursery over time. HortTechnology, 29, 736-744.

Bell, N.L., Garcia, L.M., White, S.A. 2018. Clean WateR3: Evaluation of three treatment technologies to remove contaminants from recycled production runoff. Acta Horticulturae. 1191, 199-206.

Bell, N.L., Cooke, R.A.C., Olsen, T. David, M.B., Hudson, R. 2015. Characterizing the Performance of Denitrifying Bioreactors during Simulated Subsurface Drainage Events. Journal of Environmental Quality. 44, 1647-1656.

Cooke, R.A. and Bell, N.L. 2014. Protocol and Interactive Routine for the Design of Subsurface Bioreactors. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 30, 761-771.

Jayakaran, A.D., Libes, S.M., Hitchcock, D.R., Bell, N.L., and Fuss, D. 2014. Flow, Organic, and Inorganic Sediment Yields from a Channelized Watershed in the South Carolina Lower Coastal Plain. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 50, 943-962.

Outreach and Extension Online Resources

Lineberger, A.*, Bell, N.L. 2022. Website: ECU Environmental Engineering Outreach Program targeting community youth who are underrepresented in STEM.

Hale-Phillips, K.R.*, Bell, N.L., White, S.A. 2018. Video: Agricultural Bioreactors.

Hale-Phillips, K.R.*, Bell, N.L., White, S.A. 2018. Video: Agricultural Water Reuse and Remediation.

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